Social media LIVES!

Could you imagine waking up in a morning, getting out of bed and setting up your ring camera and phone, making sure they're angled perfectly pointing to the bed you've just got out of, to then get back into it, pretend to be asleep and "wake up" to your alarm to video and share with the world how your life works in a morning... 


"I get up, I brush my teeth, I have a wash, I get dressed, I make my bed" 


Since when did this become a form of entertainment, I just don't get it? When the digital world become to obsessive that we forgot how to live in the real one? 


A few years ago, you'd have never caught anyone sat willingly watching a person do their morning routine or their get ready with me, aside from a weirdo installing cameras in your property and doing it on the sly, it just wouldn't have happened. Now, it's the norm. 


Not only that but people then sitting on a live from the second they wake till the moment they're going back to sleep... scrolling and landing on lives of people practically begging for gifts and money, the levels and extent people are going to in order to get it. It's become almost like an addiction. The to-do lists have gone from being the food shop, brunch with friends, visiting nana, or a walk in the park, to sitting in the same spot all day to talk to strangers over the Internet, prioritising it above all else. 


The ever-changing attempts to keep us all inherently and permanently "connected" is exactly what is disconnecting us from the rest of the world. 


I know to some of you this might seem hypocritical of me to be saying, since I have hosted a lot of lives through Instagram myself in the past, but there's something so scripted and concerning about the way the world of social media is moving that these things or no longer done for fun or business, but to fill a need or a void that didn't exist until it become a way to live. 


My eyes have been opened. 


You'll notice if you've followed me for a while that I'm nowhere near as present as I used to be when it comes to lives on social media. It just doesn't feel right anymore. People sit and accept abuse knowing that the more interaction they have, the further their reach will go - all press is good press, if you will, even when its bullying and soul destroying. Who cares if you're winning the battles and making the money, right? 


There is a huge increase in people suffering with mental health issues over the last few years and it's not a shock really is it, with the ease of access to things we should never see, or the constant and excessive amount of nastiness spreading via keyboards and phone keypads. There is so much negativity in the world, social media was supposed to be a positive change to the way we live, and has instead become an actual way of living in it's own self. Almost a dictator. Maybe that's the tin foil I've got wrapped around my head speaking, but that's how it feels to me. 


The world is moving online. We're existing less and less in a human way, handing over our lives to phones and computers, tablets and AI. It seems more of our humanity is being stripped as time passes, where we will eventually be entirely reliant on the Web... as if we aren't already. 

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