Life behind the SQUARES with Sarah Anderson

  • Where do I fit in now....

    I've always been a social butterfly, recharging in my own company but enjoying socialising and being around other people. I always made it a point to host. I loved the planning, buying in all the wine, beer and spirits to make sure people had a good time, the music, the games... the evenings outside in the garden under a setting sun, dancing and talking into the night with a drink in hand and fairy lights giving that all important back ground glow for cute pictures and so we can just about make out faces in conversation.
  • Social Media and friendships

    The worlds of Facebook, TikTok and Instagram have seen me gain and lose friendships over the years, some were not long lasting and I know others will be forever. Unfortunately, you tend not to know a person's intentions until they make them very clear down the line and, as mentioned in previous posts, I have lost what I thought were genuine friends through copying intellectual property and stealing ideas or designs.  It makes you wonder if that was the reason they connected to begin with, or if their intentions were good and they just lost sight of that along the way.
  • Copied products and intellectual property

    To have designs and ideas clearly stolen and friendships faked and forged to get them is not the same thing. To me it showed a complete lack of respect, kindness and understanding. This affected me for quite a while - I struggled with understanding how someone could do this to someone they supposedly care about, until eventually coming to the realisation that they couldn't so in hindsight I knew it meant they never cared to begin with. 
  • Business Plan

    What did help was the willingness to adapt, to change and adjust accordingly, and to essentially "wing it" through. 


    All I know is that, right now, we are doing what we want and need to do for the current circumstances we exist in. The most we do for the future is make plans for the days and weeks ahead: booking events; ordering ingredients; making, baking and creating; taking it day by day. Knowing that one day it could all come to a halt, or it could soar, we won't know until we get there. 

  • Blog 4 - least favourite thing

    According to AllergyUK, around 10 people die every year due to a food allergy, and though it is might seem a small number in proportion to the population, in most cases it's absolutely preventable and each one of those 10 people is a human who matters, with family and friends who love them, and we will do everything in our power to make sure we minimise the risk of harm in our business. 
  • Favourite parts of my job!

    Getting to know you through chocolate   They say if you love your job that you'll never work a day in your life and this really does ring true for ...
  • An all expenses paid holiday, where would you go

    Seeing elephants drinking water from natural water pools where people are swimming, giraffes roaming around lodges and lions up close and personal to safari jeeps on TikTok has definitely fuelled this fire a little for sure, but it's somewhere I've always wanted to go for so much more than the animals. I think experiencing the diverse range of authentic African cultures is high up there on reasons why, it would be an amazing learning journey for both Alfie and us adults.
  • Travelling on a budget

    Travelling is definitely one of my favourite things to do, especially now we have more freedom to do it. I share our travels across my social media pages and I'm often asked how we manage to afford to do it as regularly as we do, considering the current economic climate in this country. 
  • Life beyond…. Do you believe?

    I can't say I was an avid over thinker when it comes to life beyond the grave a couple of years ago - I like to believe there's a sunshiney, warm, happy place for us all to go to once we're done here because that would just be the dream wouldn't it... meeting up with lost loved ones on the other side. I know that's what I would like to be the case, I'm not sure what I actually believe though. 
  • Family, friends and friction

    In hindsight it's easy to sit back and see what could, should and would have been done differently but the truth is in the moment you just have to do what you think is best with the information you have at that time... and we can't always get it right. 
    I've done a lot of self-reflection over the last 18 months especially, had important conversations, and made amends with people along the way, but I know realistically that so many of the relationships I had with people prior to starting Sarah's Creative Kitchen are forever changed, or obliterated completely. 
  • Why do we only open 2 or 3 days a week?

    When I first opened the eatery, before the country came to a halt, we were open full time and I had an on-site manager to oversee everything. It wasn't long after we opened our doors for the first time that we were advised to lock down to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
  • Catering Services - all part of our package!

    Whether you're looking for one platter for a "picky plate" Friday night dinner in with the family, or 20 savoury and 5 sweet for a party, we've got you covered. 
    These can be dropped off if local, or collected from our shop based in Leigh-On-Sea.